Murphy Freelance

Sales, Marketing, and Technical Copywriting Services

Writing projects stressing you out?

Struggling to increase sales? Can't figure out why your marketing materials don't convert leads to customers? Wondering how to write your operations manual? Need repair or how-to instructions? Trying to get your newsletter launched? 

No time to do it all yourself?


Whether you need Sales, Marketing, or Technical Writing services, Murphy Freelance is here to solve your problems.

We are here to help you complete your writing goals and reduce the stress you are experiencing. Win-win!

Let us help you:

Murphy Freelance turns your writing projects and concepts into a finished product that delivers proven results! Give Deb a call / text 650-716-8425 or email to discuss your needs.

We excel at crafting content that resonates with your target audience. Whether it's website copy, technical documents, informative articles to drive sales, engaging social media content, or targeted marketing campaigns, we have the expertise to transform your ideas into powerful communication tools that deliver a proven return on investment.

Photo by rupixen on Unsplash 

Website Copy

Convert visitors into leads and customers with website copy that speaks directly to your target audience and channels into your sales funnel.

Whether you are creating a brand, looking to freshen your content, or taking a new approach on your existing business, we utilize solution based sales to immediately expand your reach.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash 

Technical Writing

Translate complex ideas into clear and concise language with technical documents that are informative and easy to understand. 

From service bulletins and repair instructions to manuals and how-to guides, we handle your technical support in a voice that your target audience understands.

We are dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes achieve success by harnessing the power of words. 

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash 

Blog Posts and Articles

Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry with insightful and SEO-friendly articles.

We create content to engage, inform, and sell your product or service through thought provoking and solution based methods.

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash 

Sales & Marketing Materials

Take a new perspective on increased sales with copy that follows proven methods for selling. 

We specialize in solution based sales, where your prospect has a specific need or problem and your product or service is the solution.

Have you ever...

Stayed up all night torturing yourself about getting started on your writing?  Tried to write your own marketing material and hated every word of it? Attempted to write repair instructions for your product only to end in frustration? 

Today is the day to get started NOW!

Located in Arkansas, USA, Murphy Freelance provides the remote support you need, wherever you are in the world. 

Get in touch with Murphy Freelance via email.

Words Are Powerful.